Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hire, hire, pants on fire

If a former boss had listened to me, I might not be married right now (and he might still be in business).

At my last ad agency, I was one of three people who had responsibility for interviewing and hiring new employees (the team was the owner, the head design guy, and me).

We were interviewing for a new account executive, and the other two picked a woman I'll call Debbie (not her real name), while I voted for the other candidate. It was two against one, so we hired Debbie.

Debbie, as it turned out, was everything I predicted she'd be: in over her head, unable to grasp our corporate culture, uncomfortable and ineffective. We fired her after less than a year.

But before we fired her she introduced me to her friend, Sarah. Sarah and I were married the following year, and 18 years and four children we're still together.

Debbie went on to sell men's clothing at a mid to high end store, which she loved (and did well). The ad agency went out of business a few years later, long after I'd been fired (which is a different story and not very interesting).

Maybe if they'd listened to me and about hiring they'd still be in business. Had to say where I'd be.

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