Monday, July 14, 2008

Lead Pipe Cinch

WHen I was a kid, probably around the age of six or seven, I almost literally stumbled upon what I thought was my ticket to fame and fortune.

Walking down our driveway, I spied what I thought was an odd looking, dull gray rock. A contractor was building a house on the lot next to ours, so all sorts of debris drifted over into our yard and driveway every now and again. But this was different from anything I'd ever seen.

It looked softer than normal rock, and was slightly warm to the touch. Amazingly, when I picked it up, it seemed "soft" for a rock. And I watched in wonder as I pushed on it and it bent. It bent!

Instantly, I knew this was money. "Come see the Amazing Bending Rock, 25¢" was the banner I pictured above our front door. The line of people would be down the block. I'd be famous! I'd be the school hero!

I dashed into the house to show my mother. "Mom, Mom, look what I found!" I shouted as I ran in the door. She looked at the Amazing Bending Rock in my hand.

"Where'd you find that piece of lead?" she asked me. "It must have come from the house next door.

Poof! Riches, fame, gone in an instant. I was crushed.

And I'm still neither rich nor famous.

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